About ACEC Wisconsin
Creating a healthy environment to advance the prosperity and welfare of Wisconsin engineering firms
Creating a healthy environment to advance the prosperity and welfare of Wisconsin engineering firms

American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin serves as the voice of the engineering industry, continually promoting the profession to a variety of audiences. The organization serves as a source of ideas, a sounding board and a professional resource for state and city leaders, as well as a fervent promoter of the profession. Our work involves advocating, education, providing networking opportunities and enhancing the image of professional engineers. We keep an eye on the big picture in our industry, allowing our member firms to concentrate on keeping Wisconsin safe, healthy and moving forward.
We are governed by a board of directors comprised of principals from our member firms. The organization is dedicated to creating a healthy environment to advance the prosperity and welfare of Wisconsin engineering firms.
Our goals:
- Creating a favorable environment for engineering firms
- Providing access to knowledge
- Delivering member value
- Maintaining a strong organization