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Diversity & Inclusion Roundtable Discussion

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)


Event Details

Current events have propelled race relations, particularly discrimination against the black members of our society, to the forefront of our world, both at home and at work. While we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been an added challenge. Some companies may have structures in place to deal with this issue (such as an employee resource group or diversity action team). Others may not. Some firms may be encountering difficulties with the topic, but others may be handling it well.

This discussion is intended to be a starting point for an ongoing Diversity & Inclusion initiative. We thought it could be helpful to gather firms together to have a safe, open discussion about the topic and find out what companies are doing to grapple with the issue. Industry leaders have been identified to share their experiences.

Questions may be submitted during the registration process and live during the event.


For More Information:

Kelly Veit
Kelly Veit
ACEC Wisconsin (608)257-9223