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Emerging Professionals Event

Emerging Professionals: Connect. Grow. Learn.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Join other emerging professionals for a morning of education and networking. There are two key elements in the event:

Emerging Professionals Roundtable (9:30 - 10:30 a.m.)

Emerging professionals (those in the first third of their careers) are invited to discuss any topics in a small group environment. This is your opportunity to talk to others along the same career path and make lasting connections.

Leadership from the Ledge: What Hostage Negotiators Know about Communicating Under Pressure (10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

Do you know when to use your listening and negotiating skills to get the best from your clients and team? Join a communications expert to learn about the basis of emotional communication and how it relates to trust. Discover how improving your communications skills will improve your internal and external leadership opportunities. This session is open to everyone will be of particular benefit to new project managers and emerging professionals. This session is eligible for 1.5 professional development hours (PDHs).

Learning Objectives:
  • Discover how to use emotional communication, trust and empathy in your communications.
  • Learn practical tips for resolving conflict and making stronger agreements.
  • Understand the importance of communication skills in leadership development.

Registration includes the roundtable and educational session along with refershments. Click the "Register Now" button above to register.

This event is being presented as part of our annual Transportation Improvement Conference. If you're interested in attending the full two-day event, please register here.

About the Speaker

Dan Oblinger is a 20-year veteran of law enforcement and a hostage negotiations commander. Since 2015, he has been a consulting negotiator for consulting engineering firms. Oblinger is the current provider of communications, negotiation, or leadership training for emerging leader ACEC programs in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio, North Dakota, New Jersey, Iowa, Arizona, and South Dakota. He specializes in creating internal negotiation programs for engineering practices that enhance business development, project delivery, conflict resolution, strategic decision-making, and talent management.

Dan is the author of three books: “Life or Death Listening”, “The 28 Laws of Listening”, and “Negotiation Mythbusters: Rethinking Everything You Know About Building Strong Agreements”. He is a graduate of the FBI’s prestigious National Crisis Negotiator Course in Quantico, VA. Dan’s passion is sharing his listening, negotiating, and leadership skills so everyone can become more authentic leaders. Obinger lives in the heart of the Kansas prairie with his wife Myle; together, they have six children.