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Tips for Speaking Up in Support of Belonging

A virtual, interactive workshop.

Thursday, February 15, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CST)

Zoom - Link to be sent following registration

Event Details

Building a sustainable workplace culture of belonging within our companies and across our industry requires everyone to speak up in support of belonging. Yet, speaking up when you experience or witness behavior that is non-inclusive or inappropriate isn’t easy. It’s human to not want to rock the boat or create conflict with someone. With some simple strategies, however, speaking up can be less awkward and more effective. And when more of us speak up, we fuel collective courage, confidence, and commitment to build a workplace culture of belonging.

In this interactive learning session, attendees will gain practical tips for speaking up when you experience or witness behavior that is non-inclusive or inappropriate.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Develop the ability to recognize non-inclusive or inappropriate behaviors within the workplace, enabling timely intervention to promote inclusivity and belonging.
  2. Acquire practical strategies and communication skills to address instances of non-inclusive behavior, fostering a workplace culture where individuals feel more confident speaking up in support of belonging.
  3. Learn to effectively address and recover from unintentional behaviors that undermine belonging, fostering a commitment to ongoing self-improvement for a more inclusive workplace culture.
Submit Real Examples to Enhance the Experience

To enhance the relevance of the workshop, please provide a brief description of a workplace scenario (without disclosing names or specific details) where speaking up in support of belonging to address non-inclusive or inappropriate behavior would be helpful.

Names and specific details will not be disclosed.

Submit scenarios during registration process or submit completely anonymously via a Google Form.

Continued Learning

Supporting resources, short blogs, and videos, will be shared post-session to support continued learning and implementation of best practices. 

About the Facilitator

Beth Ridley is a former corporate executive turned organizational transformation consultant, speaker, and author. She combines 25 years of global leadership and management consulting experience with expertise in diversity and inclusion and positive psychology to partner with leaders to transform workplace cultures to better achieve their vision and goals. 

She is passionate about demystifying diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) – topics we often make much harder than need to be. She believes this work is all about embracing an inclusive mindset rooted in curiosity and compassion towards others. These behaviors and everyday acts of inclusion can be embraced by everyone at all levels within an organization. 

Learn More About the Workshop