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Organization Overview

Kapur provides services to cities, counties, state agencies, sewerage districts, and developers throughout the Midwest. This includes municipal, transportation, and structural engineering, as well as land survey/platting, site development, landscape architecture, environmental, natural resources, wastewater/water, stormwater management, 3D modeling, construction management, GIS, power and energy, public involvement, and economic development.
Prasad Narayan
Aaron Bubb
Aaron Groh
Athena Kuhl
Brad Jors
Brian Adams
Daniel Janke
Daniel Volk
Erin Zastrow
John Leonhard
Jonathan Vogt
Joseph Raysky
Justin Arndt
Kurt Farrenkopf
Lisa Flynn
Matt Wiswell
Michael Froehlich
Neal Styka
Nick Bobinski
Paul Stankevich
Ramesh Kapur
Richard Schneider
Siew Choong Yip
Tim Anheuser
Timothy Flynn
Tom Foht
Tom Schmidt
Vladimir Fridman
Yuriy Amelyan
Kapur & Associates - Appleton
Kapur & Associates - Appleton Appleton, Wisconsin
Kapur & Associates - Madison
Kapur & Associates - Madison Madison, Wisconsin
Kapur & Associates - Milwaukee
Kapur & Associates - Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kapur & Associates - Wausau
Kapur & Associates - Wausau Rothschild, Wisconsin
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