Benchmarking for the Institute’s Diversity Roadmap

Posted By: Andrew Heidtke ACEC National News, Diversity & Inclusion,

Last year the Institute launched a great new tool to help firm leaders measure and benchmark diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging (DEIB) efforts. The Diversity Roadmap not only provides great data for firms and recommendations on how to continue your DEIB journey, but it also provides us with national data on how our industry is doing overall. The tool is completely confidential, and we are only able to utilize aggregated data.

Early this year we re-opened the tool for input of 2023 program data and the benchmarking components will open June 30th once you have answered all the questions. You will also have access to a custom Assessment Report that includes recommendations on next steps in advancing your DEIB initiatives. ACEC member firms can get started on their journey below.

Access The Tool