Member News 1.7.25
ACEC WI is excited to announce our newest member - ZS Architectural Engineering. ZS LLC (ZS) is an architectural engineering firm that specializes in structural engineering, building enclosure consulting, building exterior access/fall protection consulting, building information management (BIM) services, and forensic engineering.
These services complement one another so that our clients realize the following key benefits:
•Structural expertise to develop a sound, efficient and enduring structure.
•Structural and architectural designs (including fall protection/maintenance systems) for functional facilities that are safe and efficient to maintain.
•Building enclosure design, testing and commissioning to sustain buildings for longevity and to preserve the functionality of the facade.
•BIM for cost efficient design and construction, as well as integrated tools so building operators have easy to access and accurate asset management information.
•Forensics to study failures and apply lessons learned so they don’t happen again.