Tri-County Airport Drainage
2024 Engineering Excellence State Finalist
Entering Firms: Jewell Associates Engineers Inc. & Westwood Professional Services
Client: Tri County Airport Commission
With over 15,000 aircraft operations annually, the Tri-County Airport plays a crucial role in the River Valley Area. Recurring flooding frequently left the runway underwater causing service disruptions, financial impacts and attracted waterfowl, a hazard for airplanes.
Jewell Associates Engineers and Westwood Professional Services collaborated to address this persistent flooding issue, bringing about a transformative project. Conducting a comprehensive flood study, the team gained insights into local hydrology. The subsequent design focused on raising the taxiway, installing culverts beneath and strategically placing culverts and drainage ditches along an adjacent county highway. These measures ensure that the airport remains operational during heavy rain, preventing dislocation of aircraft and economic losses.
The success of the Tri-County Airport Drainage Improvement project not only underscores its uniqueness but also highlights its profound impact on the local community. Through extensive coordination, cost-saving strategies and long-term mitigation, this project stands as a triumph, ensuring the airport's resilience and benefiting the community for years to come.